Purnima is the full moon day in a Hindu month. It is a highly auspicious day for Hindu communities. Purnima January 2023 date is January 6. The Purnima time is from 1:29 AM on January 6 and ends at 3:22 AM on January 7. This is the Paush purnima in major calendars. Magh Mela – Snan at Prayag in Uttar Pradesh begins on Paush Purnima. The day is also sacred for Shakambari Ma devotees. Poush Poornima is known as Pushya Pournami in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Magh Snan is an important bathing ritual at Sangam in Allahabad. There is a popular belief that taking a holy dip at Sangam on the Paush Purnima day will help in attaining Moksha.
This Poornima also marks the end of Shakambari Navratri. Many temples in India conduct important pujas and rituals on the day.
In calendars followed in Tamil Nadu, this is the Pournami day in Margazhi Month.