Sankata Nivarini Chaturthi, also known as Sankat Chauth or Sankashti Chaturti, is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Sankata Nivarini Chaturthi date in January 2023 is January 10. It is observed on the fourth day of the Krishna Paksha or waning phase of moon as per traditional Hindu lunar calendar. The Chandrodaya Time on January 10, 2023 (Moonrise Time) in Maharashtra is given at 21:06 hrs (09:06 PM). In North India, the time given is 8:37 PM.
Sankata Nivarini Chaturthi is observed by millions of Ganesh devotees and it is considered to be highly auspicious and wish fulfilling upvaas.
Vrata on Ganesh Sankat Chauth begins at sunrise and ends after evening puja or after sighting the moon. Lord Ganesha Temples conduct special pujas on the day.
It is widely believed that observing Sankashta Chaturthi will bring prosperity, happiness and fulfilment of desires.
The greatness of Sankata Nivarini Chaturthi was explained by Lord Krishna to Yudhishtira, the eldest of the Pandavas. It is also detailed in the Narasimha Purana and Bhavishaya Purana.